The Power of Girl Scouting
Helping Girls Reach Their Full Potential
$67,120 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Girl Scouts is building the leaders of the future. We use our resources and expertise to continuously create programs that make a difference in girls’ lives—something we’ve been doing for 100 years. We don't know what the next 100 years will look like, but we do know that right now we’re giving girls the skills to be visionary doers, innovators, creators, and thinkers.
That is why, even in the face of a global pandemic, we cannot stop. We cannot let girls down. Just as we encourage girls to seek challenges and take healthy risks, we are taking stock of our organization’s capacity to adapt and thrive while overcoming obstacles. We are choosing to look at the challenges we face right now as opportunities.
To do this, we need the support of visionary leaders and philanthropists like you to help us provide and develop the programs that are most important to girls today. Your investment in Girl Scouts is an investment in our community, in our country and in our future. Together, we can help girls discover their untapped potential and build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Join us.