Donate Now to Empty the Girl Scout Cookie Warehouse!
Meet the challenge! Servis 1st Bank and the law firm of Zimmerman Kiser Sutcliffe, along with the Orlando Business Journal is challenging the Central Florida business community to match their donations to Empty the Girl Scout Cookie Warehouse!
$4,755 raised
$50,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Help Central Florida girls and send Girl Scout Cookies to our military, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Give Kids the World Village.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the foundation of the Entrepreneurship Program which teaches girls to work as a team and gives them the essential skills to accomplish goals and solve problems. They gain confidence and prepare for a bright future as a business leader or entrepreneur - all while having fun and learning new skills. Girls are the future of our region’s workforce and will play a critical role in the country’s economic development.
COVID-19 had a negative impact on this year's Girl Scout Cookie Program, leaving approximately 214,000 unsold boxes of cookies in an Orlando warehouse. Your donation will ensure that Girl Scout programming continues throughout our six-county region at pre-COVID levels.
A donation of $2,000 will send 400 boxes of cookies to our military troops, Second Harvest Food Bank, Give Kids the World, local first responders, and other local organizations making a difference in our community..